I believe 'KNOWING GOD' is the key to a successful life (What the father Can do, so can I)
John 1:1“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God”
Interpretation therefore is that the Word of God is equal to God. Verse 3 “through him and his word all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”
In genesis 1:1, The bible says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, Verse 3 "God said let there be light, and there was light. Whatever God created he simply said it using his word"
Now understand that the word of God is God himself and what is contained in the bible is God himself, revealing the mysteries of himself, can really help us Understand him better. When you study more of the word of God, you begin to know him more and in turn the word begins to grow in you and begin to grow your faith and confidence in him. Like the seed (THE WORD) as it is planted in you, you begin to grow and get to know the word more and the power in his word.
What can the word do for you?
If God used his word to create, what has been created, the heavens, the earth, the seas, the people? Can I also use the same word and its power to do the same for my life?
Proverbs 6:2_You have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the words of your mouth”, Proverbs 18:20,21_The power of the tongue.
Your words-are they of God? Are you speaking the word of God?
The scriptures show you how strong the words that come from our mouths are. So you can use your mouth(SPEAKING THE WORD OF GOD) to create like God did because you speaking with the authority of God.
The power of God’s word is the same, if the word lives in you, you can use the word to build the life God designed for you, embracing GOD’S WORD Is knowing more of God and thereby building your confidence in him(faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God_Romans 10:17), If you meet bill gate (one of the richest men of our time) today and you become friends, the more you spend time together learning about his character and abilities, your impression of him changes. Your confidence in him grows. If he tells you he can do this and that for you because you know his capabilities not through hearing about him but through spending time with him, you will not doubt it. Knowing someone through personal intimate relationship makes you one with them. Romans 8:16, 1 Corinthians 6:17 “one united with God is one with him”.
So what he does, you can do. What is the holy spirit? The one who God used to create things, God spoke the word Genesis 1: 1-3. The spirit is also breathed into Adam, the first man God created. Therefore, we already have the holy spirit when God creates us. Remember also that God is, God the father, God the son, God the holy spirit_ how then can you have all the three in you and live life ordinary? You can use the word of God to create things in your life, you can use the word of God to speak in your life, in your family. That sickness needs you to speak to it with the word of God and tell it, your time is up in my body.
The word of God:
Are you using the word of God to work for you?
Do you know the power of the word of God?
God has given us power in his word to create the life he designed for us. Use the word, speak to that mountain, speak to your money, let it work for you, speak to your flesh and it will submit.
The word is there to set us free, free from bandages, sickness, curses, etc. It is in the word of God. John 8:32 “You shall know the truth(The truth in the word of God) and you shall be set free”.
When you know the word of God and what it contains, the truth is revealed to you and the power it contains can be used to work for you.
Come on!!
The answers ARE in the word of God.
Are you living an ordinary life? You can put an end to this by Studying his word which reveals God to us and the power to create.
Your dynamite, you carry God himself in you. Use his word and get back your life as it should be.
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