Something Spectacular Series: The benefits of attending conferences

"There is something extra special about conferences and special events inspired organised by servants of God"

 Each time we come into the presence of God, there is an elevation that comes upon our life God, God always gives us word that elevates our lives. Be it Sunday service, mid-week service, youth meetings; God always prepares something for us each time we have plan to meet him and that word is meant to bless us and take our lives to the next level. In his word in Hebrews 10:25, “do not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as manner of some is; but exhorting one another.’” As a command God expects us to honour each command. But this isn’t just a mere command, it has a promise attached to it, you get to be rewarded with blessings.

Church is like a filling station where you go and get filled up just like a car needs fuel to run, so Is meeting with God.  It is like he gives us ‘fuel’, power that will keep us running for that week. That is why you need to go to church as often as possible. As spirit beings we need to feed the spirit just like the flesh is fed with natural food. Remember if any man be in Chris he/ She is a new creation old things are passed away and have become new. Coming into Christ enables us to put on the new being which is the spirit of God, who needs to be fed constantly with the word of God and church is the right place to feed the spirit. You hear directly, with clarity from the mouth of God through his servants.

My own re-written story began at a conference called “Victory Encounter” where I received a word through a man of God Pastor Michael M’hango from Victorious Life Church that I needed to put my life in order and rededicate my life back to God if I wanted to see God work in my life

The exact words being:
“I know you have a lot of frustrations in life, you are at a point in life where you feel things are not working, your life is on standstill. Everything will fall into place and begin to make sense to you the moment you start paying attention to your gifting in the kingdom of God.

And this is it! I vowed to myself. I knew very well that I had a lot of abilities and passion for kingdom service but I had always run away. A lot of people have told me something like that before and I never attention to the word from God. so that day I told myself let me try out this other side of life and see how it goes. Let me fully commit to God, by fully committing; I mean focusing totally on God and following what he commands, fully trusting in God and depending on his word. I must say this is not an easy task but all it takes is willingness and obedience to God’s word, the bible says “if you are willing and obedient you will eat the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:19). Do you want to serve God? do you want him to use you? The answer is simple go to God and ask him to use you and since he is not respecter of human beings he will use you despite your ugly past. 

So my point is conferences are special, the servants of God don’t treat such gatherings as normal daily meetings, they spend excess time in preparations so that they can preach with power and greater anointing. There is always something special about conferences. God also prepares to meet you not in the daily settings of Sunday service or midweek service but as that once in a while or once in lifetime meeting. It’s a special time of great miracles and blessings. Conferences are a time when great men of God are identified or called,
  1. Bigger problems are attended to
  2. Ultimate profound wisdom is given
  3. The sick are healed
  4. Destinies are re-written (like what happened to me)
  5. Super unction to function is released
  6. Marriages are restored.
  7. Burdens are lifted
  8.  Curses and yokes are broken
 Conferences are designed to meet urgent matters and every problem in life is urgent hence treating it is as such enables you to get your solution. Children of God are supposed to succeed in all that they do and if there is anything that weighs us down then it is a problem.

Remember conferences don’t happen that often but are once in a while arrangement so they need to be treated special like that last chance you need to meet God.  

In conferences and special gatherings God plans to meet your needs in a special way. So always take conferences seriously. The variety of speakers means variety of the word of God. These preaches spend a lot of time preparing, they fast, they amplify their prayers and God doesn’t disappoint them, He delivers in the most special and dramatic way.

The amount of time and effort that go into conference preparation is the same amount of Time God spends preparing to meet your needs on that day. So don’t stand God up, go and receive your blessings. You don’t have to be a member of that church to attend that conference, I am not a member of Victorious life church but God used the man of God from that church to fulfil his word. God can use anyone to deliver his word for you, all you need to do is just go into his presence
 "If you are at the right place at the right time, God can speak through any vessel"
Remember your expectation is what attracts God to attend to your desire. Expectation meets results. So if you are expecting something from God you will do anything to get it. You thereby sharpen your listening and receiving skills so that no word will pass you by, no blessing will pass you by.



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