Key points to help you succeed in the 21st century world

Different mentors and life coaches have developed different strategies on how to succeed in life and these may or may not have worked for different people. I believe everyone has a different route to success and these strategies may not be tailored to your success story, they are there to offer guidance. I believe these strategies have worked for me and are still working for me. So feel free to try them. 

1. Purposes:
Do you know your purpose? Purpose brings about specified visions and when you discover your purpose and draw up a proper vision board of how you will achieve your purpose, then your road to success is defined clearly.  
Is your vision specified, have you discovered your purpose? Every human being has a purpose that they need to serve on Earth before they die and this provides a road map as to what life you then can live. Purpose defines you. It is the driving force that keeps you going. There is nothing more satisfying that living your purpose. EN

2. Seeking God_key to establishing purpose:

How can you know your purpose? This is a very difficult task to achieve. Others have lived their lives serving a purpose they were not meant to serve. Imagined if Martin Luther king Jr, the civil rights activist did not fight for the liberation of black Americans who would have done it? Or where will America be? Everyone has a purpose and discovering it is important. How do you discover your purpose? Some believe one can discover their purpose through looking within their souls, what their interest are? yes this is correct but can be very difficult to streamline exactly which passion or interest one can focus on. I believe the best way to discover your purpose is through seeking God. I discovered so much about myself each time I sat in the presence of GOD. Matthew 6:33 argues that “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”. God begins to direct you to destiny and purpose each time we allow him. God through the holy spirit begins to reveal our passion and strengths and as you continually seek him, he will help you discover your purpose in Life.  He is the creator of heaven and earth and therefore he knows all things including you, so allow him to be God by submitting to him and he will definitely help you succeed.

3. Staying in your purpose.

 Your grace to function is in a specific area and that’s where you receive your unction to function and when you go out of that area you are fighting on an unravelled ground; it’s not your level playing field and your ability and capacity to fight the battle is weak. It is like you have no protection or shield because you fight a battle you don’t fully understand and failure is normally the order of the day. Avoid admiring other people’s lives or success stories, everyone has a time and season to succeed(Ecclesiastes 3:1. Move at your pace and be comfortable in it. 

4. What are you doing different that others aren’t_ What makes you Unique

 The world is now a fast evolving place that is not meant for average minds. Can you produce supporting evidence as to what you can do in life? What are you doing that is different from others? You need to find a notch that works for you, find a unique identity that represents. Create a name for yourself by publishing your works on social media. You need to establish that which makes you stand out in the crowd and it will always speak for you.

5. Find a working formula that works for you:
There is that special unction/grace/ability/skill that comes when you work in the confines of your purpose. It helps you establish that formula that works for you according to your capabilities. It Is important to stick to your formula. In school others study better in the night, while others in the afternoon. Don’t follow what others are doing influence you. Also don’t copy another’s formula. Stick to your own

6. Are you preparing?

Your level of expectations, attracts your level of receiving. You can’t expect to cherish what you haven’t been preparing for. You can’t expect something when you don’t prepare for it. what are you doing in preparation for your success? If you are waiting on God, are you serving, that is, as you wait on GOD, you must be evangelising or doing ministry in his kingdom, also if you are looking for marriage, you begin to dress in a particular way in order to attract the right person. What are you doing with your life that is attracting the kind of success you want?

7. What other skills have you learnt side from school

Talents are taking people places. Tertiary education does not teach all things pertaining to life and success. You don’t need to enrol into a business school just to learn common market accounting skills. Actually some skills are not being taught in Universities and colleges. You don’t need to enrol just to learn how to edit and post photos on social media. Some skills are learnt while others are natural born talents. You need to pay attention to your talent and nurture it, you also need invest in acquiring some life skills, they will definitely come through for you one day.

8. Innovation and entrepreneurship

 what form of business CAN you engage in.? Some of you are busy looking for jobs when you are meant to be employers. The future of the nation is entrepreneurship and innovation because most companies are filled up. The world if for the brave, those who can dream dreams and create viable businesses.

9. Learning all the time

Learn even if you are learning from a failure endeavour, Continue learning. Read books, learn from the internet, teach yourself something new each day, something not related to your field. The brain does not limit anyone, you are free to learn so many things and when you are constantly learning, it keeps your mind actively thinking of new things. To learn is to live, the moment you stop learning, then you have accepted an average life. Remember you only live once and therefore must Live it in full, so keep learning.

10. Are you building relationships in your circle_Networking:

 What you don’t know, the next person knows.  There is power in agreement and that is why you need to develop good relations with people around you. It Is not good to have enemies because one day you might need that person for something. A friend of your friend can be the one holding the key to unlock your success, it can only be one deal and your life booms. That’s why you must treat all human begins equal and as you would want them to treat you. Be open minded and flexible, socialise and invest time in networking and building relationships.

11. What kind of a person are you? Character plays an important role.

 The Bible says A good name is better than Gold or silver (Provebs 22:1). What comes into the mind of people when they hear your name being mentioned? Are you a good person? No one wants to work or partner with a crook, a thief or a liar. One great saying I have grown up with is “You can have the gift but it is your character which will keep you there”. Character is everything, it can bring people to you and also chess them away. Stability of character helps you keep good relations with people, and this one key strategy necessary for success.

12. Excellence in your service_Place value on whatever you do. 

The world is now a fast market place so whatever you are selling or doing add excellence to it. This will give you a Unique identity and even if someone copies your work, they will not do it exactly like you and your clients can tell the difference. Excellence is not sought for by many, they would rather crave success but this is actually one key component of success. If you can add just a little effort in your work delivery, you are guaranteed success. It is not how quick the job is done but how wonderful it has been done. Excellence positions you for success. It’s a wonderful component that sets you apart.

GOD has given us all things for our good, and “if you can think it, you can have it”. If your mind can conceive the idea, then it already or can exists. Whatever you see that is made and exists started in the mind. God had an idea of how he wanted the earth and the heavens to look like and he started creating them using the words: what he thought he spoke Genesis 1:1_ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now verse 2 says the earth was without form. So God thought it and spoke it before he actually started creating the heavens and the earth. He thought of the idea in verse 1 and said it, then he started working towards his thought, by now physically calling the idea into existence.

Those ideas you keep having in your mind, begin to pay attention to them, they might just be the next big thing for you. Someone thought of education and started working towards creating this system of education, so your mind is so powerful that if paid enough attention to developing it rightly you can reap the good fruits of it.

1 Corinthians 2:16_ we have been given the mind of Christ. To all believers the mind of Christ is freely given to you, what can’t you do? you have the best supernatural mind to create anything, to create dreams, and watch them actualise. Come on IWE! You need to start using your mind. Where there is a challenge, with the mind of Christ, you see solutions, because you are a changer maker, a solution provider, the carrier of God’s mind.


Watch this space, my mind is a full workshop right now and ideas are running in my mind every day, don’t be shocked if you see me tomorrow as one of the millionaires of our time.

God bless.



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